Worked with Trae before? Already familiar with the service you want?
Please feel free to book Trae directly by clicking here:
To ORDER Your Copy of the “PlayBook”, Book your own Attunement Circle for you and your friends, Request further information about an Attunement or Belief Re-patterning Session, or to simply Ask a Question… Simply fill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you within 48 hours.
Congratulations again, for continuing the journey, and making us a part of your ongoing growth,
Please Note: If you arrived here from the WINfinity Framework Page, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!
All of the members of the WINfinity Framework have “day jobs”, and until the Team has another Project, all contacts with potential individuals or groups are being handled by Trae Ashlie-Garen, via this Contact Form – Thank-you for your understanding!