“I believe that solutions lie beyond religion in the promotion of a concept I call secular ethics. This is an approach to educating ourselves based on scientific findings, common experience and common sense — a more universal approach to the promotion of our shared human values” — The Dalai Lama
On June 10th, it was announced that The Magdalene, has now been recognized (by Pope Francis) as “Apostle of the Apostles” – to be recognized as a feast (note – a FEAST, not just a Memorial) on July 22nd of the church’s liturgical calendar.
Funny to not hear of this until now… 11 days later… No matter. What is more important, is that this HAPPENED, AND that we’re hearing about it.
To Quote the article cited below… “Preaching about St. Mary Magdalene, Pope Francis highlighted Christ’s mercy toward a woman who was “exploited and despised by those who believed they were righteous,” but she was loved (and forgiven) by him…. It is right that the liturgical celebration of this woman has the same level of feast… and highlights the special mission of this woman who is an example and model for every woman in the church.”
I grew up Catholic… And in many ways while I have released my association to the liturgy, what I am most aware of after the eve of a Full Moon Solstice, is the shifting consciousness of humanity, and the response to that shift, that this represents…
Breathing Deep…. understanding, this is only the beginning of what is yet to come… and Feeling IMMENSE Gratitude.
Namaste my friends,
In Spirit,